You’ll learn where, why and how many of the global workforce are spending less time in the office and more time working remotely on their own terms.
You’ll see that flexible working arrangements are quickly becoming the new normal across many countries and industries. Across the globe, working from home and remote locations has grown 159% since 2005, more than 11x faster than the rest of the workforce.
Flexible working conditions are not only generating happier, more productive employees; it’s a valuable incentive employers are using to attract new applicants. Many of today’s job seekers are searching for greater work/life balance, and broader choices in terms of where – and how – they work.
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A 2019 survey found 61% of global companies currently allow their staff to have some sort of remote working policy.
Only 32% of Japanese companies have flexible working policies, yet 80% of Japanese employees express the desire to work remotely.
In 2016, 60% of US companies offer their employees telecommuting opportunities which is a huge 3x increase from 1996 to 2016.
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) benefits survey
Date: 2016
Sample Size: 600 U.S. employees
% of businesses within each country reporting a flexible workspace policy vs employees who consider flexible working to be the new normal (hover for country figures)
Date: March 2019
Survey Participants: Over 15,000 business people across 80 nations.
European workforce ‘sometimes’ working from home as a % of the total employment (2008-2018)
Notes: The Neatherlands does not have data from 2008 (it only started submitting home working figures in 2014).
US workforce who work remotely…
Whilst the figures above are from 2016 and older than our other data sources, they are from Gallup’s huge database of over 31 million respondents and therefore more reliable than the 2019 surveys of a few thousand employees.
Gallup Report State of the American Workplace
Publication Date: 2017
Data will be updated when they release the 4th version (hopefully sometime in 2020).
Data collected from more than 195,600 U.S. employees and more than 31 million respondents through Gallup’s Q12 Client Database.
“A key takeaway from our research is that if a work setting is ripe for remote work – that is, the job is fairly independent and the employee knows how to do their job well – implementing WFA (working from anywhere) can benefit both the company and the employee”
Harvard Business Review
Across all industries, 18% more executives worked remotely (at least one day per week) than there were working on-site.
The highest proportion of remote workers were amongst the Founders/C-Level Execs (55%) and VP Level (48%).
The typical remote employee is educated, intelligent, and motivated. As people move up the corporate ladder, the likelihood they will work remotely increases with their position.
% of age groups who said they regularly take advantage of anywhere working
It may be more common for younger employees to work remotely for now, but this paradigm is shifting towards a more even distribution. With retirement ages rising around the world, many people 55 and older are utilising remote work to prolong their careers.
“Employees in their 20s and mid-30s value meaningful experiences more than possessions, and they want to be able to pay attention to all the important aspects of their lives”
Iwo Szapar, CEO Remote-How
Date: March 2013
Date: March 2019
Survey Participants: Over 15,000 business people across 80 nations.
% of business people (right scale) reporting the increase in productivity (left scale) believed to be made by a flexible workspace policy
Date: March 2019
Survey Participants: Over 15,000 business people across 80 nations.
Freed from the distractions, noise, and even politics of a busy workplace, the majority of remote workers experience a boost in performance when left to their own devices.
“Businesses must adopt a fluid approach, embracing the ‘Work-as-a-Service’ model, rather than attempting to define when and where people should feel their most productive.”
% of global businesses that are using flexible workspace policies to attract and retain top talent
Date: March 2019
Survey Participants: Over 15,000 business people across 80 nations.
Gartner Research Note
Date: March 2018
Having a choice of work location is …..?
Date: March 2019
Survey Participants: Over 15,000 business people across 80 nations.
Most & least common reasons remote workers gave for deciding to work remotely
As well as being more productive, remote workers are usually less stressed and have a higher work-life balance. Working from home can reduce workplace anxiety while boosting job satisfaction.
“Workers who have control over their schedules report finding time to exercise more, eat better, and have higher morale and a better outlook in general.”
American Psychological Association
Whilst there are certainly emotional and technical challenges associated with working in a different location to colleagues, those you do work off-site even just once a month are 24% more likely to feel happy and productive in their jobs.
“We need to acknowledge that isolation, anxiety, and depression are significant problems when working remotely, and we must figure out ways and systems to resolve these complex issues”
Gallup Report State of the American Workplace
Publication Date: 2017
Data collected from more than 195,600 U.S. employees and more than 31 million respondents through Gallup’s Q12 Client Database.
Date: March 2019
Survey Participants: Over 15,000 business people across 80 nations.
What employees would would give for greater location flexibility
Date: 2019
Survey Participants: 6,604 knowledge workers working in companies with 500+ eomployees. The survey was done online and the respondents were based in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Scandinavia, Spain, the US, and the UK.
With vast increases in employee productivity and job satisfaction, it’s clear that flexible and remote working arrangements will be a cornerstone of future workplaces.
The standard 9-5 job will become a rarity in the future as flexible working becomes mainstream.
“Leading corporations are recognising that to achieve greater employee responsiveness, they must engage workers more, and discover when, where, and how they work best.”
Sophie Wade, Flexcel Network
Date: 2019
Analysis of 2005-2017 American Community Survey (US Census Bureau)
Allowing employees to work off-site is the definition of a win-win situation. Production goes up, costs come down, and people are happier in their jobs.
“Businesses are continuing to embrace at least some form of remote work, likely because they’ve experienced the benefits of greater productivity, less wasted time, and lower overhead firsthand.”
Dave Nevogt, CEO Hubstaff
If those with remote compatible jobs worked at home half the time it could result in saving the following:
That is the equivalent to taking 10m cars off the road.
Date: March 2019
Survey Participants: Over 15,000 business people across 80 nations.
That is the equivalent to taking 10m cars off the road.
Costing roughly $64 billion.
Date: 2019
Analysis of 2005-2017 American Community Survey (US Census Bureau)
Date: 2019
Analysis of 2005-2017 American Community Survey (US Census Bureau)
They use less fuel, consume fewer resources, reduce strain on infrastructure, and lower greenhouse gas emissions overall.
Merchant Finance
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