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Compare high risk merchant account providers and secure the lowest card processing fees
If your business is struggling to get a standard merchant account and is deemed high risk you have fewer providers to choose from and are likely to pay higher card processing fees.
A high-risk merchant account is a payment processing service for businesses that banks consider riskier than standard accounts due to a high volume of chargebacks, financial instability, history of frauds, bad credit rating or other reasons which we will discuss in this article.
High-risk businesses are usually required to pay higher fees and go through extra scrutiny in order to obtain merchant services because of the aforementioned risk factors.
A merchant bank may put a rolling reserve – the amount of money that will cover the possibility of chargeback – on a high-risk business’s account if their history shows numerous refunds and chargebacks.
When applying for a merchant account, your business will be assessed in terms of risk to the bank or financial institution working with and providing you with an account.
A range of sectors, including charities, travel and tourism, tattoo studios, adult entertainment, insurance companies and affiliate marketing may be considered ‘high risk businesses’.
If you operate in a ‘high risk’ sector (which we list towards the end of this article) or have been denied by a bank in the past, then a high-risk merchant account will enable you to conduct business.
When it comes to assessing the risk of working with a high-risk merchant, a financial provider will look at both the enterprise in question and the sector it works in and then allocate it to a specific merchant category code (MCC).
For the enterprise itself, high-risk factors include:
The business’s sector or vertical is likely to be analysed via:
If your business is considered ‘high risk’ in any of the above ways, it’s likely a traditional bank may deny your account application. But that’s where a high-risk merchant account can come in very useful.
The criteria for categorising merchants as high-risk or low-risk varies from provider to provider. However, there are certain standards for classifying both types of businesses as such.
General indicators of a low-risk merchant are based on the account provider’s favourable evaluation of the business and often include:
Likewise, the overall characteristics of a high-risk merchant may also vary, but generally include:
High-risk merchants are not as restricted as low-risk merchants are with the types of revenue they can collect by credit or debit card. For example, they can:
It should be noted that there are low risk merchant accounts that can allow all the options above but they can increase the chances that the merchant will require a high risk account.
Similar to accepting a wider array of payments, high-risk merchants are not as limited as low-risk merchants when it comes to accepting international currencies and transactions from abroad. This provides a good foundation for eventual business expansion into global markets.
High-risk merchant accounts generally come with higher transaction fees. You might be looking at between 4%-10%, versus the 1-2% % fee for other low risk accounts.
Risk comes at a price, like in any area of finance. Setting up your high-risk merchant account will cause greater setting up fees.
A longer settlement period is inflicted to help reduce the chances of a chargeback. This might be up to around a week compared to the usual 3 days.
A rolling reserve is used to reduce the bank’s potential loss from chargebacks. This means a portion of your card transactions are collected by the acquiring bank which is used as a payment buffer.
Before deciding between different high-risk merchant account providers as your future business partner(s), you should evaluate the following factors in order to make a well-informed decision.
Choosing a provider that’s familiar with your industry has some advantages. For one, they will be more understanding of what typical transactions are like, and they may even be better equipped to detect fraudulent activity.
If you operate in a high risk sector, it is likely you are going to encounter more issues around payments. Having a customer services telephone number to call or live chat will be so much better than relying on someone to respond to email or support tickets.
Some providers will charge high monthly fees but low transactions, whilst others do the opposite. When choosing between high-risk merchant account providers, it’s important to get all the relevant fee information and then use your typical transaction volume to produce an estimated monthly cost to your business.
There is so many types of fraud possible with online payments that is well worth selecting a merchant account provider that has experience taking online credit card payments for high risk merchant services. They are likely to use a more secure payment gateway and have process in place to reduce fraud and chargebacks.
Your future payment partner should follow rigorous data security measures and best practices. For example, they should have a set of anti-fraud tools and a chargeback prevention system in place in order to keep your business safe from malicious users. Also, data encryption, firewalls and other standard measures of securing sensitive data are a must.
You need to make sure that your merchant account provider can tailor their rates, products, services and features according to your business requirements, current state and objectives. This is especially vital if you run a particularly complex business model.
All the fees and potential supplementary costs should be laid out clearly on their website or when they provide you a bespoke quote. The small print in the contract should not be skimmed over and particular attention should be paid to any potential hidden fees, the length of the contract and the notice period and fees relating to contract termination.
At Merchant Savvy, we offer free, impartial advice and can recommend the best high risk merchant provider for your specific business. We’ll review contract terms and negotiate the best rates for you.
While on the subject of the provider’s website, the whole package should be kept up to date: general information about their recent events and the current year in the footer of the website. This is a sign of a company that still operates smoothly and is keeping up with the times and business requirements.
Applying for a high-risk merchant account online is a fast and simple process: reach out to us so we can help you find the merchant account provider that is fit for your business.
When the acquiring bank initially approves your business for the account, you will need to send them this documentation in order to officially apply for a high-risk merchant account:
Also, you should ensure that your business’s website meets the following requirements:
Every merchant account application procedure differs depending on the chosen provider, but the above are the mandatory steps every business applying for an account should go through.
Aside from simply applying for a high-risk merchant account, there are certain steps you can take to optimize your application and better position yourself for a successful outcome.
Having your accounts up-to-date will go a long way to proving your current financial situation.
Whilst high risk merchant accounts cater to those with a poor credit rating it is still worthwhile taking steps to improve your credit rating prior to application. This may include avoiding any late payments and clearing any overdue debuts.
Ensuring that your terms and conditions are fully compliant, so you’re within the legal framework of regulatory practices and restrictions, will help convince providers that you won’t cause issues down the line.
Using 3rd party fulfilment can increase the risk of your company around orders and refunds. Make sure your contract with them leaves you protected, should any problems arise.
Getting a range of quotes will put you in a better negotiating position in any business situation. Approaching a number of providers, and taking the time to read customer reviews, will make sure you’re fully informed and able to get the right high-risk merchant account for you.
Showing you can minimise chargebacks will leave you with more chance of getting accepted. You can do this by implementing fraud filters, properly formatting statement descriptions and by having a quick and easy refund system.
Broadening your net of potential providers will only increase the chances of getting accepted, and may also land you with more preferable terms.
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